Continuing a Gleaves Family Tradition

For many generations, Gleaves have been farmers.  This tradition continues as his great aunt, Fran Nichols, wrote on August 4, 2012:

Mason, one of Richard K. Gleaves' grandsons won the Grand Champion  Rhode Island Red Chicken in Wilson County 4-H today.  And the Grand Champion will also be in the County Fair .
As  a fund raiser the Grand Champion is then auctioned.  It is a fun way to raise money for 4-H.  Believe it or not the Hen was auctioned off at $843.00. 
The Poultry Show is called the 4-H Chick-Chain and has been going on for about 50 yrs.  Children in the fourth and fifth grade are permitted to participate.  The participants learn to keep records and nurture the chickens.
In early spring those children wanting to enter are given 25 baby chickens. They are then responsible for raising them. Before the fair every year each child enters his 6 best chickens. These are judged and then all of the chickens are auctioned as a fund raiser.  Farmers from the community come to the auction each year to restock their flocks. The money is then used by 4-H to purchase baby chicks the next Spring.
Mason also plays on a youth football team. That is the reason he had on his football pants. He was going on to practice.
See below the picture for an update....
Shown below are Mason, his granddad, Richard K. Gleaves Sr., and his great uncle, Owen Gleaves
The Wilson County Fair ended 25 August 2012 with a total attendance of 529,432 making it the largest fair in the State of Tennessee.
In early August,  Mason won the Grand Champion Rhode Island Red Hen in the 4-H Chick Chain in his age group. He then entered the hen (actually a pullet) in the County Fair.  He won third place in competition with all the hens entered County Wide in all age groups, including adults.  Considering that his pullet was only about 6 months old and the winners were more mature hens, he did quite well.
He is now in the 6th Grade and has signed up for the 4-H Poultry Judging.  He will have his first class Tuesday Aug 28th.
What better way to raise a prize hen than to know how they are judged!