Day Three - Hauling off the debris

Work Continues on the Gleaves-Clements Cemetery Fence
Here is the latest update from Owen posted Monday evening, March 17, 2008:
Hello to all
This is an update as to work plans for the Clement Gleaves Cemetery fence.
Linda and I went over today and hauled off all the old fence wire. I have to take it to the Landfill where they will charge me a (what they call) tipping fee. I think its like $9.00 or something like that. Since the landfill closes at 3:00 p.m. we did not try to make it today.  Hey but we are loaded and they open at 7:00 a.m in the morning.
Looks like Thursday, Friday and Saturday are going to be ideal days to work. I got a couple corner post dug today and had to quit because one of our batter boards was in the way. George and I decided to move the fence over about 12" to try and miss the big sugar maple tree roots. That's why the corner batter board has to be moved. Didn't have the right tools with me so Linda and I plan on going back Thursday and finish digging just the corner post and the two gate post. Will set them in concrete while we are there. Will pick up some quickcrete in the morning. They need to be up first so we can pull a transit line to line up all the line post.
George and I also decided that if we wanted to cut, or trim any of the trees (some are either dead or almost dead) that before the fence is installed is the time to do it. Too late after the fence is up.

These Fellows are Dedicated!
Day Two, Monday March 17: Owen and Linda load up the old fencing to take to the landfill.

Day Two & a half, Tuesday March 18:  Early the next morning, the fencing is taken to the landfill and unloaded.  Owen describes the scene: My brother Richard (great Brother) met Linda and me at the Landfill this morning and helped us unload the wire. He is 76 years old and still going strong. Boy was it a job. We were both out of breath by the time we got through.  Then I was trying to get out of my truck bed (my body just ain't what it use to be) and trying to get my poor aging body to move. A gust of wind hit me just as I was climbing over the side and blew me back over in the truck bed flat on my backside. We had wind gusts here today up to 40 miles per hour. I am okay. Like I said, my body just don't move like it used to.

Day Three, Thursday, March 20:  From Fran Nichols - Owen and Linda put in the 4 corner posts and got the gate posts put in.   I think they worked over there most of the day.   Tomorrow we are just going to finsh cutting down the dead trees, trimming some trees and removing all the brush.  Then on Saturday they are hoping for several men to help put in the 45 line posts.