Days Six - Setting the fence posts

Date:  Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:09 PM  Subject:  Gleaves Clements Cemetery
Hello to everyone
This is an end of week progress report on the fencing of the Gleaves Clement Cemetery fence project
I am happy to report that with a lot of hard work this week we have all the fence post in and are ready to install the top rail and fence fabric. I am also happy to report that all the hard work is done. George and I along with the help of my sister Frances Nichols and my wife Linda bringing us food to eat were determined to get this fence project done.  I decided to set some of the post in concrete on Wednesday by myself (it was a last minute decision and I did not notify anyone) and put Frances to work holding post for me. With rain in the forecast for today (Saturday) I decided to call on George to see if he might help me on Friday.
He has such a long drive that I hesitated to call but did anyway. It was a pleasant surprise when he told me he was off that day and thought about coming anyway and mow the Cemetery. I did not bother to send out an e-mail to the group as it seems so hopeless.  Everyone has public jobs or just not able to help when we need them. But that's okay as I understand. Hope no one takes offense at that statement. Tom Gleaves and his father Oscar Gleaves have offered financial help as they have been unable to work due to health.
If you have looked at  you may have noticed that we also installed a gate on the easement. This was not in the original planning. Dave Velheim had a gate on the easement just pass the gate to the Cemetery to keep people from using this road to get into his property. We felt it was our obligation to put the gate back for him. We wanted it to look nice alongside our pretty new fence so I had to purchase a few more fencing supplies to do so.
It will be reflected in my itemized list below.
It is so, so sad but I had to go by the Cemetery (out of my normal route to Lowe's) and drop the trailer before going to Lowe's. I knew that while I was in Lowe's trying to purchase what we needed that someone would most likely steal every tool I had on my trailer. 
Our plan for the final phase is to make one more trip to install the fence fabric.
I have been in contact with Albert Thompson, Cindi Kelton's son and he has offered for him and his brother Paul to come help if they can on their days off. They have had their hands full with all the tornado clean up. Our heart goes out to all the people that suffered this terrible tragedy.  I will watch the weather forecast and try for a day when the most help can come.  I don't think I need to give a reason of why I will work around George's days off. He and I can do it alone but a little more help would surely make things easier.
Here is a summary of expenses thus far.
Donation from Gleaves Family Association                $1000.00   A hearty thanks to all of you that donated. Without you this would not have been possible
Donation of money collected by Cindi Kelton             $   275.00   Thanks to Cindi's vision for getting this project started.
Total                                                                            $ 1275.00
Both these check were made out to Capital Wholesale Fence company which I presented to them for the fence material. Since the checks totaled $9.00 more than the cost of the supplies, they gave me the $9.00 cash back. My wife and I had donated $100.00 to the fund and given to Cindi so it is a part of her collection of the $275.00. I put the $9.00 in my pocket.
We had a generous donation which wishes to remain unnamed of $250.00 to be used to purchase anything else we needed. 
I have receipts for the additional cost incurred which I will submit to the Gleaves Family Association as follow. This money was taken from the $250.00 unnamed donation.  A great big thank you to this unnamed person.
3/18/07 Disposal of old fence wire at Wilson County Landfill      $18.00
3/18/07 6 ea 80 lb bags Quickcrete (Lowe's)                               26.02
3/22/07 Rental of Ground Hog Hole digger (Garr's Rental)          48.50
3/24/07 20 ea 80 lbs bags Quickcrete (Lowe's)                           86.74
3/25/07 Fence supplies (Lowe's)                                                  26.79
3/27/07 Fence supplies  (Lowe's)                                                 45.72
3/27/07 5 ea 80 lb bags Quickcrete (Lowe's)                              21.69
Total                                                                                          $273.46
Minus the $9.00 I stuck in my pocket from above donation           9.00
Overun                                                                                  -    $14.46
I am okay with the slight overrun. If anyone has any questions or needs further explanation concerning how the money was spent, feel free to contact me.
I do not foresee any further purchases that will be necessary.
P.S. George did get the Cemetery mowed and weedeated and was still working when I left on Friday. It looks really nice.
Owen Gleaves

Date:  Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 12:48 PM   Subject: Error
Hello to all 
This is just to clear up an error I made on the progress report on the Gleaves Clement Cemetery.
I stated that Albert Thompson was Cindi Kelton son when in fact they are cousins.
After talking to Albert this morning we had a big laugh.
It takes my sister Frances to keep me straight on genealogy so please don't leave it up to me. I think I will stick to fencing.
Cindi and Albert 
I hope this clears up my mistake. Just have another laugh on me.
Hope to see you soon.