GLEAVES, Charles Wythe died December 12, 1935

Charles Wythe Gleaves

(December 12, 1935, Wytheville, Virginia)




  WHEREAS the shareholders of the First National Farmers Bank of Wytheville have learned with regret of the death of Dr. C. W. Gleaves; and


  WHEREAS we desire to make public some expression of our appreciation of his life, and our sorrow at its termination:


  NOW THEREFORE be it resolved:

  (1) That we recall with gratitude the fact that this institution was fortunate in having an officer of the sterling qualities possessed by Charles Wythe Gleaves, a citizen ever ready to respond to any public call that was made upon him, a man devoted to his family, true to his friends, and loyal to his Church, an officer of this Bank, efficient, faithful and conscientious in the discharge of his duties and who by his outstanding qualities of honesty, integrity, and unselfishness, contributed much to the success of our organization.


  (2) That we mourn with those whom he loved, and extend to them our heartfelt sympathy.


  (3) That these resolutions be spread upon our minute book and published in the local papers; and a copy thereof sent to his family.


    Respectfully submitted,

C. N. Otey,

R. L. Peirce,

S. B. Campbell.