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 School Work

  • » Date: 1841 about
  • » Subject: School Work
  • » Written By: Dr. Samuel Crockett Gleaves
  • » Addressed To: unknown
  • » Transcriber: Daisy Gleaves
  • » File # 223

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has been a many person started from mere
nothing you may say.  And has rose to the very
pinacle of fame from which they have now [  ]
their names recorded in the books of past
ages to show what they have been once [  ]
let your imagination if you please run to some [  ] and [  ]
you will see that the most eminent men
and the most distinguished in all nations
that they started [ ] mere nothing.  Look
at Demosthenes [  ] and several others
too tedious to name and they are very
distinguished Char[  ] at that age of
time and you will see [  ] vast difference to the
present time and you  [  ] see all the afference
imaginable.  Though [  ] must be

Let x cashiere
12) x + x  + 200+200=x
13) x:12/3+3x}}2:g
14) x:x-13::5:3
15) x/6=x/3=20
16) Let x=smaller share                                                                    [  ] Bl
     200-x:x::9:7                                                                               [  ]  500+200=x/3
17) x=sum                                                                                       [  ] 600+600=x
     x/3+x/4+x/5=94                                                                          [  ] 
18) 10x+8x=and houre journ[   ]                                                        26) x=age
19) x/3+x/4+20=20                                                                                 x/4+x/7=5+x2=4=x
20) let x N x/3+x/4+20=x                                                                   27)  x=number
[  ]  x=the post                                                                                        x/3+x/4+2x/7=73
      x+3x/7+13=x                                                                              28)  x/5+100+x/2+35=x    x=income
[  ]  +10=66                                                                                     29)  2x/3+10+x/6-9/2+2x/21+10/7=x
[  ]  =x/8+x/10+20=x                                                                        30)  x=brandy
[  ]  94::x-7:20 galloons                                                                           x+x+19+2x+15=14[  ]
[  ]  income.? 104/7=8s low                                                               31)  x+3x+4x+7x=4755
[  ]  36 gain 10x+10x/7=10x


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