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 Thomas & Sallie Gleaves, her failing health, Absalom Gleaves family

  • » Date: 1841-08-31
  • » Subject: Thomas & Sallie Gleaves, her failing health, Absalom Gleaves family
  • » Written By: Emeline Gleaves Wright
  • » Addressed To: Miss Nancy Gleaves
  • » Transcriber: Dennis Glaves
  • » File # 81

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Hewarts Ferry Tn
9 Sept

Miss Nancy Gleaves
Buffalo ford Post office
With County

Care of
James T. Gleaves

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August 31 1841

My Dear Aunt

I have frequently thought of writing to you but it has been so long since I wrote any and health is so bad that it is a serious undertaking I can scarcely muster resolution to begin and I have so much to say that it will be hard to write it all
All of the are well as usual. Father has not changed much since you saw him excep the loss of his teeth, which a(l)ters his appearance some he has exalent health is un-commonly active for one of his age he tends to his farm and frequently works and does not seem no more fatigued than one of his sons. My Mother has changed very much as she has lost al(l) her teeth but her hair is not the least gray her health is better than it was some years since and indeed I believe is as good as persons health usually is at her age
All of my brothers are married but two Americus and Ben Franklin live at my fathers. Franklin is one of the stoutest men I ever saw and six feet two inches high My married brothers are settled near, and doing well except William who lives about a days ride from here his family has very bad health and has lost several children but so far as accumulators of property goes he is getting on well sister Betsy live six miles from us has house full of fine children my youngest Sister and your Namesake has just returned from a visit to Aunt Allen where she stayed eight or ten days was very much delighted with the family, Aunt promised to visit us

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This fall I am in hope she will do so as we would be exceedingly gratified if she would pay us a visit
Aunts health is delicate the other members of the family were generally well, Uncle Absalom's children are all married the last James married last summer to a fine industrious girl a year or so younger than himself, they live with Aunt Katy who seems as fond of her as if she were her own child,. Sally Hamilton has been in bad health for several years past she is now at her mother's I think she has something like a consumption Thirassa (Terressa) has three fine children and is getting along well in the world, Trigg has two fine children he has gov't merchandising and tends entirely to his farm Aunt Katy has fine health and is as cheerful as a girl of twenty and almost as active.
I live about a mile from my father's I have a pleasant home and a affectionate husband and if I had but health I would be perfectly satisfied. But without health let worldly advantages be what they may they cant compensate one for the want of health, for I have learned without the sick are poor and with health the poor are to be envied by the most wealthy, I spent last summer at Springs in the mountains which improved me more than could have been anticipated when I left home I was unable to walk and in two months I could walk about the house and yard and attend to housekeeping I am feeble now but hope to improve when the weather grows cooler, the family send their love to you our uncle

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James and Aunt Malvina and say they would be happy to see you all in Tennessee
I could write much more but I must close as I wish to have it mailed this morning one of brothers is going to Nashville it is preferable to mail it in a town No(t) in a country post office.
I hope you will receive this as I have made the exertion to write to you I am sure I deserve an answer and it is has been long since I have heard from you and I would be so gratified to receive a letter from you I but a poor correspondent but if you will answer my letters I will try to answer your regularly we would all like to hear from you now and then I must conclude

I remain yours truly,
Emaline Wright

Transcriber Notes

Emeline (Emaline?)Gleaves Wright was the daughter of Thomas and Sally Smith Gleaves. Born in 1805, she married James Wright in 1839. Despite her illnesses, she lived until 1881.

Aunt Nancy Gleaves (1792-1855) was the youngest daughter of William and Elizabeth Turk Gleaves. Nancy never married.

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