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  • » Date: 1950-10-30
  • » Subject: Letter
  • » Written By: Anna Gleaves Rich
  • » Addressed To: unknown
  • » File # 8411

Page 1

                                                                                                                                    Oct. 30, 1950

Dear Family:

Papa is craving tobacco so that he is utterly miserable and he sees to it that I am utterly miserable also. And Friday was cold, raw, rainy and disagreeable so I was in the depths, and then Anna Bob’s perfectly wonder­ful letter came, with such graphic descriptions of Charlie’s visit that I felt I had seen their weekend over television! Having reared 6 children I could believe that Alice asked every 5 minutes all day when Rosie was coming!  I know how they enjoyed sleeping together because I always thought that spend­ing the night with a friend more fun than spending the day! It was difficult to believe that even Betty asked questions about the kine when she is so afraid of all domestic animals, but I could vision Charlie in paratroop boots watching the milking. I know Uncle Flem and Aunt Mae will fail, to understand the thrill of looking at a dairy but like a baby it seems wonderful when it isn't your own! I am so glad that Charlie, and family, have this new interest in life, and that is what keeps you young and makes you happy, besides the hope that it will prove lucrative. So many people narrow their interests in old age, until they have nothing but complaints about their health to discuss.  When A Bob said she had never seen them eat so much and was thrilled that they thought all farm products so good, I laughed all afternoon, and that made the sun come out! I, too, have had that pleasure when I serve them fried chicken! I still wish to know what Charlie weighs, and how much taller Rosie was then Alice? And I hereby will and bequeath my sewing machine to A. Bob for her never failing weekly letters, no matter how rushed she is, so all bear wit­ness. I could not carry on without that joy end comfort.

I am a District Steward so attended District Conference and the best joke was told by the Bishop from Hawaii. He said a young lady tried to telephone a music store and got a garage by mistake. She asked, ”Do you have ‘Two Ruby Lips and Six kisses?'" The Garage man replied, "No, but I have two tomcats and six kittens." She said, "Is that a record?" He replied, "Yes, we think it is!"

Mr. Best is dining his 50 employees to-night and showing the pic­tures he took of his Hunt in Canada. He lets all the men off at 3:30 P.M. to go home and dress and pays them for a full day’s work. Papa laid out his clothes to take with him this morning, but forgot them. Sometime ago at the funeral of Mr. Clark’s First Wife he was the only man there in working clothes and felt very conspicuous. So I phoned to Bestone that I would bring suit on bus that leaves at 4:30 P.M. But he said not to do so, as he would be home at 4 P. M. I fear he will not want to go back, but if he does not attend it will be a mortal offense. So I trust that he and his best suit will get there.  When the boss exerts himself to entertain you, you must enjoy it.

I wish to know WHEN I am to receive a picture of Laura Ann Rich? I wish to know WHEN Laura Ann is to be christened, and In what church? I am praying regularly and grieving much over Jeanie Sydnor’s ankle, but do not know whether she had first surgical operation in September, or not. I have never been told whether Lisa Coulter has been christened. Does anyone know whether the Keenans still reside in Charleston? Except for A. Bob my postage stamps do not pay interest on the investment.

I will Interview 50 people for Gallup Poll Nov.1st, 2nd, 3rd, and compile results, and report by Western Union night of 3rd. We hope to predict more accurately this election than we did the last one. Much work, some pay.

I am eager to see “King Solomon’s Mines” as soon as it comes here.

                        Love to all,   Aff. Mama and Sister.

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